Okay, all, so I'm going to Korea, and I figure, "hey, new country. new blog!" So, I'll probably just post on here instead of plaguing your emails with mass, uh, emails....too many emails. So, let the journey begin! Wow, I'm really building this up. I hope you're not disappointed.
So, as an update, I'm leaving on Dec. 7th. Yes, pre-Christmas, don't remind me...*sniffle*....but don't worry. I'll spread Christmas cheer worldwide!
Also, if you've been trying to call me (you possibly being singular), don't. Not because I don't want you to call me, but because my phone is D-E-D...dead. So, anyone who reads this and knows I will want to talk to them before I leave (you know who you are), email me your numbers, pleeze! They were lost in the aforementioned phone.
One last thing. Anyone who wants to talk while I'm in Korea can always get Skype. It's a FREE online phone! Yes, FREE! (I'm being paid for this). And, if you have a Macbook, like I know some of you do, you don't even have to get a microphone. It's built in! Macs rule! (They're paying me, too.)
And, as one last last thing...anyone who can name how many and what movie quotes were used in this entry gets a prize.
Okay, I lied about the prize.
Steven Heller’s Font of the Month: Steam
1 week ago
Hey Betsy--
I am so glad you are coming to Korea. We'll be "hall" mates. Ha. Now people reading this comment who have no idea who I am might be scared. ; ) It will be great to have a kindred spirit on the hall. We should see the world together! ; )
Sweet blog... great idea to keep us posted while you're in another world. I can't wait to hear about your trip.
yay, bets has a blog! :) i quit xanga -- ahh, liberation!! blogspot is sooo much better! i just started one too -- had this brilliant idea to publish my thoughts online and make it more of a brain dump from all the info i've been inputing since the start of grad. school. so, when i have more time, i'll enlighten everyone with my thoughts (and have a more creative venue for London). till then, good luck with all the pre-Korea prep and i'll chat with you later!
Hey Betsy~ Yay, we'll both be living abroad now =). I wish you were coming to a country CLOSER to Bulgaria, but no worries. We'll hook up at some point and relive some of the good times we had in Cheltenham and Dublin. Miss you chickie! And good luck with...everything =). Hugs
I had to go here so I would remember where to go in the future - once you get there. You should try to get some mountain biking in in Korea. You could come back and show us some tricks for jungle riding. Be praying for you.
Is this how you comment? And I'm afraid I will not be using HTML tags, such a b, i, a. I have no idea what that means. This will be lots of fun to read! I can't wait! Well, maybe I could wait a bit 'sniffle' but I'll be brave. Love to you, Mom
Bets. You left me hanging on the movie quotes. This is weak, but the only one I found was D-E-D, dead. Will you still be my cousin?
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