After much slaving and several strong desires to throw my computer out the window, I finally created a website. Props to you, all you html, flash, website design gurus out there. I don't know how you do it. Anyways, it's at the absurdly creative address of (it took me DAYS to think of the name). If nothing else, there's a cute picture in the "about me" section of me and my bros when we were just tiny babes hunting for pumpkins in the pumpkin patch.....back when we still had that infantile ability to make a picture that was "cute".
By the way, I think the blog is back. I think I have stuff to write about again. We can hope.....
Steven Heller’s Font of the Month: Steam
1 week ago
1 comment:
Buy the way, are you saying that living at home with ol' ma and pa is boring. Nothing to blog about!
Watch it sister! Glad you are blogging again. I get bored without it. Mom
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