
$100 a month.

As a result of constant brewing over the issue of wealth, and how we westerners have the bulk of the world's wealth, while the rest of the world is living on less than $2 a day, and the questions of responsibility that come with that knowledge, (is this a run-on sentence, or what?) my friend Jackie has started this blog. We've each decided to allot $100 a month for charity. Small potatoes for some, but for those of us who instinctively hoard their money, it's a little bit hard to let go. But it's a start. And if we in the first world can start to give generously to those in less fortunate countries, we could really make a difference. There's no reason why those people shouldn't have food and clean water and education. We have the resources, so let's use them. This is not a guilt trip. Just an invitation to consider what would happen if we all gave....


Jackie Bolen said...

Betsy! You are a pro...thanks for the plug.

Anonymous said...

Is this part of your tithe? Or an offering over and above your tithe?

betsy said...

for me, this is my tithe...for now. as one who's never had such a steady income as this, i've definitely got to get used to giving. we've also been debating about tithing to the church. but maybe that should be reserved for another post...

Unknown said...

I suppose it depends what church you're tithing to!
